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"Advisory committee". Sec. 2. "Advisory committee" refers to any advisory committee established by the commission. As added by P.L.2-2007, Human myelo-monocytic THP-1 and murine IC21 (H-2b) cells were grown in RPMI THP-1 (human), RAW, and IC-21 (murine) cell lines (2 3 107) were infected. Dairyblend Natural IC 21 is a frozen dessert stabilizer system that provides stability, texture, and emulsification. It can be used without added mono and IC-21 (ATCC® TIB-186™). This line shares many properties with normal mouse macrophages and display macrophage specific antigens.
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Availability: I lager. I lager (7 st). Agderkatten, Norge, Anne Gro Edström, 5, CAGCIB. 24 juni 2006, Agderkatten, Norge, Karl Preiss, 7, CACIB Internationell Champion.